Список использованных источников | Телекоммуникации вчера, сегодня, завтра

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Список использованных источников

  1. Biham E., Kocher P. "A Known Plaintext Attack on the PKZIP Stream Cipher". Fast Software Encryption 2, Proceedings of the Leuven Workshop, LNCS 1008, December 1994.
  2. Cerven P. Crackproof Your Software — The Best Ways to Protect Your Software Against Crackers — San Francisco: NO STARCH PRESS, 2002 —272 pages.
  3. Ferguson N., Schneier B. Practical Cryptography — John Wiley & Sons, 2003 - 432 pages.
  4. Menezes A. J., van Oorschot P. C, Vanstone S. A. Handbook of Applied Cryptography — CRC Press, 1996 — 816 pages.
  5. Вернет С, Пэйн С. Криптография. Официальное руководство RSA Security. — М.: Бином-Пресс, 2002 — 384 с.
  6. Зегжда Д. П., Ивашко А. М. Основы безопасности информационных систем. — М.: Горячая линия — Телеком, 2000 — 452 с.
  7. Иванов М. А. Криптографические методы защиты информации в компьютерных системах и сетях. — М.: КУДИЦ-ОБРАЗ, 2001 — 368 с.
  8. Нечаев В. И. Элементы криптографии (Основы теории защиты информации): Учеб. пособие для ун-тов и педвузов / Под ред. В. А. Садовничего — М.: Высш. шк., 1999 — 109 с.
  9. Чмора А. Л. Современная прикладная криптография. 2-е изд., стер. — М: Гелиос АРВ, 2002 — 256 с.
  10. Шнайер Б. Прикладная криптография. Протоколы, алгоритмы, исходные тексты на языке Си. — М.: Издательство ТРИУМФ, 2002 — 816 с.
  11. http://aspack.corn/asprotect.html — ASPACK SOFTWARE— Best Choice Compression and Protection Tools for Software Developers.
  12. http://cryptome.org/ms-drm-os.htm — CRYPTOME. Microsoft Digital Rights Management Operating System — US Patent No. 6,330,670.
  13. http://news.bbc.co.Uk/2/hi/technology/3202116.htm — ВВС News. Questions cloud cyber crime cases.
  14. http://pilorama.cora.ru/library/rflirt.html — Ilfak Guilfanov. FLIRT — Fast Library Identification and Recognition Technology.
  15. http://research.microsoft.com/sn/detours — Microsoft Research. Detours.
  16. http://resistor.topgamers.net — khaciez. Resistor Challenge.
  17. http://retro.icequake.net/dob — Ryan Underwood. The Central Point Option Board.
  18. http://securityhorizon.com/whitepapers/archives/lanman.html — Brian. NT / LANMAN Password Security Discussion.
  19. http://triade.studentenweb.org/GInt/gint.html — Triade systems — GInt Page.
  20. http://uozp.akcentplus.ru/16.htm — Общества защиты прав потребителей г. Уфы. Статья 16. Недействительность условий договора, ущемляющих права потребителя.
  21. http://www.ahead.de/en/ — Ahead Software. Nero.
  22. http://www.anticracking.sk/elicz/export.htm — EliCZ's Export (ApiHooks 5.6).
  23. http://www.arjsoftware.com — ARJ Software, Inc.
  24. http://www.average.org/freecrypto — Использование "сильной" криптографии в России.
  25. http://www.cacr.math.uwaterloo.ca/hac — Centre for Applied Cryptographic Research. Handbook of Applied Cryptography.
  26. http://www.caesum.com/game/index.php — Cronos. Electrica the Puzzle Challenge.
  27. http://www.casi.org.uk/discuss/2003/msg00457.html — Glen Rangwala. [casi] Intelligence? the British dossier on Iraq's security infrastructure.
  28. http://www.computer.org/security/garfinkel.pdf — Simson L. Garfinkel, Abhi Shelat. Remembrance of Data Passed: A Study of Disk Sanitization Practices.
  29. http://www.computerbytesman.com/privacy/blair.htm — Richard M. Smith. Microsoft Word bytes Tony Blair in the butt.
  30. http://www.convertlit.com — Dan A. Jackson. Convert LIT.
  31. http://www.cryptonessie.org — New European Schemes for Signature, Integrity, and Encryption.
  32. http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~daw/rny-posts/netscape-cracked-0 — lan Goldberg, David Wagner. Netscape SSL implementation cracked!
  33. http://www.cyberlaw.com/rsa.html — Patrick J. Flinn and James M. Jordan III. CyberLaw Presents: The RSA Algorithm & The RSA Patent.
  34. http://www.din.de/ni/sc27 - I SO/1 EC JTC 1/SC 27 - IT SECURITY TECHNIQUES.
  35. http://www.distributed.net/pressroom/news-20020926.txt — David McNett. distributed.net completes rc5-64 project.
  36. http://www.ebookpro.com — Internet Marketing Center. eBook Pro — Your Internet Publishing Solution.
  37. http://www.ebxwg.org — EBX Workgroup (Open eBook Forum).
  38. http://www.eetimes.com/story/90193 - ЕЕ Times. WinZip Hits 100 Million Download Mark on CNET Download.com.
  39. http://www.elby.ch/en/products/clone_cd/ — Elaborate Bytes CloneCD.
  40. http://www.heise.de/tp/engIish/inhalt/te/2898/l.html — Duncan Campbell. Export version of Lotus Notes provides trapdoor for NSA.
  41. http://www.heise.de/tp/engIish/inhalt/te/5263/l.html — Duncan Campbell. How NSA access was built into Windows.
  42. http://www.honeynet.org/scans/scan24/sol/pedram/reference/mike_zipattacks.htm — Michael Stay. ZIP Attacks with Reduced Known-Plaintext.
  43. http://www.intertrust.com/main/ip/litigation.html — InterTrust Technologies — Litigation Status.
  44. http://www.ipa.go.jp/security/enc/CRYPTREC/index-e.html — Informationtechnology Promotion Agency. Japan CRYPTREC.
  45. http://www.mail-archive.com/cryptography-digest@senatorbedfellow.mit.edu/msg04871.html — cryptography-digest: Arcfour in Ada, by me — is it good?
  46. http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS01-017.asp — Microsoft TechNet. Erroneous VeriSign-Issued Digital Certificates Pose Spoofing Hazard.
  47. http://www.mod-x.co.uk — Mod-X Challenge.
  48. http://www.nist.gov/aes — NIST. AES Home Page.
  49. http://www.nytimes.com/library/world/mideast/041600iran-cia-index.html — James Risen. New York Times Special Report: The C.I.A. in Iran.
  50. http://www.paceap.com — PACE Anti-Piracy.
  51. http://www.password-crackers.com/crack.html — Pavel Semjanov. Russian Password Crackers.
  52. http://www.password-crackers.com/publications/crypto.html — Павел Семьянов. Почему криптосистемы ненадежны?
  53. http://www.password-crackers.com/publications/crypto_eng.html — Pavel Semjanov. On cryptosystems untrustworthiness.
  54. http://www.pcworld.com/news/article/0,aid,109720,00.asp _ Mike Hogan. Intuit Sued Over Product Activation.
  55. http://www.planetpdf.com/mainpage.asp?webpageid=2434 — Kurt Foss. Washington Post's scanned-to-PDF Sniper Letter More Revealing Than Intended.
  56. http://www.planetpdf.com/mainpage.asp?webpageid=2450 — Planet PDF. U.S. Department of Justice selects Appligent Redax for PDF redaction.
  57. http://www.planetpdf.com/mainpage.asp?webpageid=3177 — Kurt Foss. Makeshift PDF Redaction Exposes 'Secret' Government Info — Again.
  58. http://www.planetpdf.com/mainpage.asp?webpageid=808 — Kurt Foss. PDF Secrets Revealed.
  59. http://www.rarlab.com — RARLAB. WinRAR archiver, a powerful tool to process RAR and ZIP flies.
  60. http://www.reverser-course.de — Zero, SantMat. The Reverse-Engeneering-Academy.
  61. http://www.rsasecurity.coin/rsalabs/challenges/factoring/rsal55.html — RSA Laboratories. Factorization of RSA-155.
  62. http://www.schneier.com/book-applied.html — Schneier.com: Applied Cryptography by Bruce Schneier.
  63. http://www.sealedmedia.com — SealedMedia — Complete document protection and control, even after delivery.
  64. http://www.siliconrealms.com/armadillo.html — Silicon Realms. The Armadillo Software Protection System.
  65. http://www.ssl.stu.neva.ru/psw/crypto/appl_rus/appl_cryp.htm — Павел Семьянов. Брюс Шнайер. Прикладная криптография.

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